“We must find time to stop and thank the people who make a difference in our lives.”
— John F. Kennedy
Well, we have begun a new school year and in fact have several weeks under our belts now as we move forward toward the end of the 1st semester. The excitement of the first days of schools has not necessarily disappeared as much as it has evolved into a day to day, week to week pace of being introduced to new information, examining and analyzing that information and finally, making it apart of to the bank of knowledge we will use for the rest of our lives. As a teacher, I was always amazed by this process and was thankful for the privilege I was given to witness a child’s “aha” moment. One of the anchor beliefs in education is that all children can learn. Those of us who have worked with children know this to be true. What get’s messy with this belief is the reality that yes, all children can learn but not all children learn the same or at the same pace. That’s where San Antonio Youth Literacy’s (SAYL) Reading Buddy Program comes into play. The recognition that some children need more time, more attention, and more self-confidence provides the springboard to creating an environment that fosters learning. For those of you who are Reading Buddies, you too have experienced your students’ “aha” moments…those moments when the light literally comes on and what was chaos is now order. Can you think of anything better to be thankful for and joyous? After weeks or even sometimes months of providing much needed time, attention and encouragement, you get to share in a child’s victory. Wow, right!?
So, although we love this season of thanksgiving and good will toward humanity and for so many other reasons…family, friends and food…let’s remember that we can and should give thanks every day for the big and small moments that make our lives brighter. One of those big moments for all of us here at SAYL is when we sign up and train a new Reading Buddy or welcome back Reading Buddies from year to year. Just think with a multiplier of 2 (each Reading Buddy is matched with 2 children) there is the potential to reach over a thousand children who struggle with reading across San Antonio with only 500 individuals who are willing and committed to give of their time and talent to advance our mission to provide one-on-one support to children in San Antonio by empowering them with the skills needed to “read to learn” while fostering self-confidence and an enjoyment of reading. Come join us and add one more reason to be thankful. Thankful in the knowledge that you helped a child learn to be a better reader and learn to enjoy it!
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