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Reading Buddy Tip – Last Tutoring Session for the Year

What to Do on Your Last Reading Buddy Session

Your last session with your students provides a chance for celebration as well as a look toward the summer months. Here are some ideas for what to do during that last session. 

  • Talk with your students about the importance of summer reading. This does not have to be a lecture, just a conversation centered around reading during the summer.  You can stress that summer reading is fun: you get to read what you want, when and where you choose, and summer reading is smart: you keep practicing so that you do not lose all the great skill you have gained over the year. You can use the letter in the student’s bag to talk about the libraries that are close to the school that have summer reading programs and lots of great books, magazines, DVDs, internet access, etc. You may also want to circle or highlight their school and the closest libraries to make it clearer for a guardian at home to interpret. 
  • Re-read a favorite book. Take the opportunity to re-visit a book you enjoyed reading together at any point during the school year. If they pick a book from much earlier in the school year, it is a great chance for them to see how they have improved. 
  • Play one last round of a favorite game. Whether it is sight word bingo, erase-a-man, word family tic-tac-toe, or some other supplementary activity your student loves, make the last session fun and memorable by playing one last time. 
  • Explore gifted books. You will be giving each of your students three books provided by SAYL for them to read over the summer. Take a few minutes to preview them, so they look forward to reading them in the future. 
  • Celebrate their progress. Share with students the changes you have noticed during your time together. Keep in mind that not all progress can be measured in reading levels alone. You can talk about their motivation, effort, and attitude towards reading, as well as improvements in skill. You can give them a certificate, or simply offer your words of encouragement. 
  • Fill out the student survey. This year SAYL is using a student survey to gather insight into the program from the student’s perspective. Take some time to fill out the survey together during your last sessions together. Students can write their own responses or dictate them for you to record. 

Whatever you choose to do for your last session, we hope that it will be a special time for you and your students.  Thank you for all your work this year as a Reading Buddy and we hope to have you back in the fall!

Mary Flannigan